Submit information for the community sign here
The Beaver Bank community sign is a digital message sign permanently located on Beaver Bank Road at the entrance to the community of Beaver Bank. The sign was paid for through donations and is maintained and operated by the Beaver Bank Community Awareness Association.
The purpose of this sign is to inform the public of upcoming events, meetings, and general information beneficial to the community at large. The messages displayed will be those endorsed by the Beaver Bank Community Awareness Association (BBCAA).
- There will be no price advertising allowed or use for commercial purposes.
- There will be no editorial messages or opinions allowed.
- There will be no personal messages such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and messages that are considered inappropriate.
- The BBCAA reserves the right to limit both the frequency and duration of messages.
- The BBCAA will not be responsible for errors on the information sign.
- Advertising or promoting candidates, political parties, or political issues will not be allowed.
- The BBCAA will review all requests. Approval or rejection shall be at the discretion of the Beaver Bank Community Awareness Association.
Examples of acceptable content:
- Emergency notices and safety messages.
- Public services (flooding, road closures, etc.).
- Registration notices for community groups / organizations.
- Special events (plays, concerts, special dinners and ceremonies, town hall meetings, holiday festivities, parades, community fundraisers, charitable events).
- Special services
Message request procedure:
Message requests may be made by email using the online form on the Beaver Bank website at the following link: , or by calling Victor Cobb, Chairman of the Beaver Bank Community Awareness Association at 902-864-4112. You can download a copy of the sign policy here – Beaver Bank Community Sign Policy.